Tame your inbox - 10 simple ways to manage your inbox

Managing emails often feels like an endless game of digital wack-a-mole - just when you think you’ve cleared your inbox, another ping tells you otherwise.  Fear not, though, there are ways to stay on top of your emails without losing your mind (or your most important emails).  Whether you’re trying to keep your community informed or make sense of the chaos, these simple tips will help you tame your inbox and boost your productivity.  And, with a little colour-coding and some well-timed auto-replies, you might even enjoy it.  Ready to conquer your inbox like a pro? Let’s dive in! 

Use smart filters

Let your inbox do the heavy lifting - set up filters to sort emails by priority, category or sender automatically.  You’ll never miss that important community update again (unless it’s from “Spamming Steve”).

Create email templates

Save yourself time from typing the same message 10 times - pre-written templates for event updates, reminders or meeting invites are your new best friend.  Because who enjoys typing “just a quick reminder…” over and over again?

Set up auto-responses

Are you busy juggling 100 things? Auto-replies to the rescue!  Acknowledge emails with a friendly “got it!” while you craft the perfect response (or even find the time to respond at all). 

Schedule emails at peak times

Sending emails at 2 am won’t win you any engagement.  Aim to schedule those important emails for times when the recipient is awake and likely to read them!  After a coffee of course.

Use colour-coded labels

Why settle for a bland inbox when you can organise with colour-coded labels? Brighten your inbox and quickly spot what’s urgent, what’s important, and what can wait… like that email about “office plant watering schedules”.

Leverage email tags

Slap on some tags like “follow-up” or “action required” to keep track of what needs attention.  It’s like Sticky notes, but for your inbox - and far less likely to fall off and get lost in the chaos.

Declutter regularly

Take a few minutes each week to delete old threads, archive irrelevant emails and give your inbox the spring cleaning it deserves - without the need for a Marie Kondo intervention.

Unsubscribe ruthlessly

If you haven’t opened that newsletter in 6 months, it’s time to let it go.  Unsubscribe with no remorse and get back to focusing on what really matters: your community, not the “50% off” that’s been waiting in your inbox for days.

Batch process emails

Instead of being a slave to the “ping” of new messages, batch process them at set times.  Your focus will thank you and your email won’t mind waiting (honestly!).

Use email folders

Give every email a home by creating folders for different topics.  It’s like organising your closet - except without the existential crisis over how many emails you’ve ignored. 

So there you have it - 10 simple yet effective ways to take control of your inbox and keep your community in the loop!  With the right tools and a bit of email strategy, you’ll no longer be buried under a mountain of unread emails (or the guilt that comes with them).  From filters to folders and everything in between, managing your inbox doesn’t have to feel like a full-time job. 

But, hey, if it still feels like one, guess what? You don’t have to do it alone! I’m here to help you tame your inbox while you focus on the fun stuff! Contact me to book a call, so you can actually enjoy your coffee breaks - guilt-free!


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